Our Core Programs



We organize targeted talks to schools and the community on the effects of HIV /AIDS, prevention measures and ways to live positively and healthy if already infected or affected.

Substance Abuse

We organize community and youth sensitization activities on effects of drugs and substance abuse.

Gender Sensitization

We organize outreach and sensitization activities in the community conducted on matters of violence against women and men.
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Environmental Stewardship

We empower the youth with information on environmental conservation and stewardship.
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Creative Arts

We nurture talents especially drug addicts that have been rehabilitated. We impart dancing skills, art skills, reciting poems and spoken word. We have formed performance arts teams as an avenue of earning income.
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Generating Income

Our members are capacitated to engage in income generating activities- making mats, chairs, wall hangings and tables using locally available materials.
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Rudisha Mtoto Home

We have initiated a program called RUDISHA MTOTO HOME meaning, Take the child back home. It’s purpose is to help us curb the alarming number of street children.